Have you got a hopeless Hello Kitty fan in your family? Then styling a Hello Kitty bedroom for them will be the best present you can ever give them!
Whether you want to homage one of the cutest characters of all time in a toddler’s or teenager’s room, there are so many options. At the same time, don’t jump into it without a bit of planning.
Once you know exactly what type of look you want to achieve, you can browse the best Hello Kitty furniture and Hello Kitty bedroom sets on Hollywood Thing.
But, first, let’s help you find your vision.

1. Create a Hello Kitty color palette
Whether you’re going to opt for a more minimalist approach or a bedroom that will make everyone wonder if they’ve just walked into a Hello Kitty store, you need to choose a color palette.
That way, there will still be an element of consistency and the room won’t feel overwhelming, no matter how many Hello Kitty items you’re going to add.

This palette will involve both your new furniture and your other existing elements like wall colors:
- Because of the way she is portrayed, the most popular color palette for a Hello Kitty bedroom is white, light pink and crimson. This works particularly well if the room already features white walls. It will also be the easiest one to keep consistent given the wide array of Hello Kitty furniture available in these colors;
- However, don’t think that styling a Hello Kitty bedroom automatically means pink, pink, pink! There are also lots of Hello Kitty bedroom sets in other hues, such as light blue. It will just mean that you’ll have to spend some more time scouting for these pieces in the sea of pink products, but, if that’s the vibe that you’d like to create, it’ll definitely be worth it!

2. Choose your level of Hello Kitty-ness
Styling a Hello Kitty bedroom can mean different things to everyone, which is great news: it’s your chance to unleash your creativity!

Here are some ideas:
- You can opt for a minimalist approach that still displays your Hello Kitty obsession to everyone who walks in but without it taking over the entire room. To do so, choose more basic designs and just a couple of branded elements. For example, you could have some Hello Kitty bedding and another piece of furniture in her shape, like a bookcase. In that way, those elements will immediately stand out but the bedroom will feel quite balanced;
- If you don’t want too many busy elements, another trick to achieve a similar effect is to opt for furniture in a Hello Kitty shape rather than add lots of items full of patterns and stickers. For example, a headboard and a chair shaped like the top of her head with the usual bow;
- Or you can always go on the opposite side of the Hello Kitty spectrum: plenty of details and a pink overload! In that case, look for Hello Kitty furniture that includes many designs and patterns, and style the bedroom by adding a variety of Hello Kitty accessories, from lamps to figurines.
3. Consider the right Hello Kitty furniture & style for different age-groups
You can have a Hello Kitty bedroom regardless of your age or that of the lucky child or teenager for whom you’re preparing it!
However, while some elements can grow with them, there are some other things that you might want to keep in mind:

- For a baby, you can create the perfect Hello Kitty nursery by focusing on larger elements like a wardrobe or dresser. As for the cot bed, we recommend opting for either a Hello Kitty-shaped design or a plainer one with Hello Kitty bedding, as combining them could get a bit too overwhelming;
- For toddlers, you can easily add more products but you also want to avoid hazards. Instead of introducing lots of small Hello Kitty toys or decorations, look for larger and softer elements that they can also enjoy safely (for example, cushions, stools and small armchairs);
- Styling a Hello Kitty bedroom for older kids is a lot of fun and you can actually ask them what they’d prefer. Overall, you can look for a practical Hello Kitty bedroom set that includes a wardrobe and, perhaps, a desk with chair. You can also opt for simpler designs but have fun together with stickers and decals;
- If you’re styling a Hello Kitty bedroom for a teenager, you really, really need to ask them first, as you don’t want to fuel any teenage angst or resentment! They could either prefer a more pink-overload style or a simpler bedroom with fewer Hello Kitty accents. Make sure you focus on a Hello Kitty bedroom set with functional elements (like a desk and bookshelves) or, if their bedroom is quite big, a bed that feels spacious and comfortable, adding wardrobes, desks and other pieces of furniture separately.